Position papers

Competition Policy & the Green Deal – Joint Submission of the Alliance for Energy-Intensive Industries

The Alliance of Energy-Intensive Industries, welcomes that the European Commission has decided to launch the debate on how competition policy can support the European Green Deal.

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The Alliance of Energy-Intensive Industries, welcomes that the European Commission has decided to launch the debate on how competition policy can support the European Green Deal. The EU’s competition law rules will have an essential role to play in ensuring that the twin objectives of 1) reaching climate neutrality by mid-century and 2) maintaining a strong industrial base in Europe can be achieved.

In a detailed reported published last year ‘The Industrial Transformation Masterplan’ the framework conditions needed for Energy intensives Industries (EIIs) to transition to climate neutrality were identified. Throughout the report, it was evident that more flexible competition law rules are essential in ensuring these framework conditions can be provided.

Looking ahead, to ensure that EU Competition Law Rules are better aligned with the objectives of the Green New Deal, we recommend the following policies, as highlighted in the attached document.

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Published: 08 December 2020

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